
160,000 foreigners are invited to live, work, and prosper in Australia!

Yogesh shukla

Distribution of the Migration Program

Additionally, the following composition further distributes these locations.

Skill Visa

This stream, which has 109,900 spots, is intended to increase the economy's potential for production.


Additionally, this will address the skills gap in the job market, which includes regional Australia.

Families Visa

This stream, which has 50,000 openings, consists primarily of Partner visas.

In this way, Australians can reunite with their distant relatives and provide them access to citizenship.

Partner Visas

From 2022 to 2023, partner visas will be issued based on demand in order to encourage family reunions.

This also aims to speed up the application procedure for many applicants and the Partner visa pipeline.

40,500 Partner visas are anticipated for 2022–2023 for planning purposes.

It is important to remember that there is no upper limit on this estimate.

Child Visas

For planning purposes, an anticipated 3000 child visas will be issued in 2022–2023.

It should be noted that this category is demand-driven and uncapped.

Particular Eligibility

This stream, which has 100 spots available, provides visas for people with particular needs, such as Australian permanent residents who are returning home after spending time abroad.

Moving forward, in order to adapt to shifting economic conditions as they happen, the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services, and Multicultural Affairs has the right to regularly redistribute the positions among Skill Stream visa categories.


Visas Nominated by States

The State and Territory governments may recommend qualified people for visas under this program.

It is important to remember that although there is an age requirement, these visa holders do not need to be connected to a specific employer.

This states that the person must be under 45 years of age.

Please be aware that there is currently no employment guarantee.

They must therefore establish their own viewpoint.

Nominated Visa Categories by States and Territories

The following visa categories are available to States and Territories as nomination allocations under the 2022–23 Migration Program.

  1. Skilled – Nominated (subclass 190)
  2. Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) (subclass 491)

Please take note that each State and Territory evaluates eligible applications according to standards specific to their territory.

You can also read the latest Australia Immigration News and Draw Updates here.


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