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Yogesh shukla
Want to know about the IMMEDIATE DOUBLING OF VISA APPLICATION FEES IN AUSTRALIA Here are the highlights of the following   ●       What are the new costs for Australian Visa in 2024? ●       Why the increase?   A notable change in the student visa ap...
Yogesh shukla
AUSTRALIAN IMMIGRATION CONSULTANTS IN DELHI   Australia is known worldwide, for the best quality of life, career opportunities, the best education, one of the best medical facilities, diverse culture, beautiful wildlife, and many other things.   Australia has everything for everyone who wants to study, wo...
eligibility-criteria- Australia-Spouse-Visa
Yogesh shukla
What is the eligibility criteria for Australia Spouse Visa? Is your spouse in Australia too? Aptech Visa has helped thousands of its applicants get an Australia Spouse Visa easily so if you are planning to apply for a Spouse Visa for Australia then read this blog and understand the eligibility criteria for Spouse Visa...
Yogesh shukla
Are you an Indian Accountant looking for an opportunity to settle in Australia as a permanent resident then this article will guide you from start to end on how to go through the process. According to a report published by CPA Australia in January 2024, the number of students finishing accounting bachelor's degree ...
Yogesh shukla
Do you plan on starting a new life in Australia? Having an Australia Permanent Residency (PR) is the aim for many aspiring immigrants due to the country’s high standard of living, excellent healthcare system, and diverse opportunities. Preparing for PR in Australia involves a series of steps, from understanding e...
Yogesh shukla
Are you planning to travel to Australia or want to apply for an Australia visitor visa or Tourist visa, you may have this question How much bank balance is required for an Australia tourist visa? or the minimum bank balance for a visitor visa in Australia. This article will help you to understand the fund’s requi...